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Home Page -> Entries      Versione italiana

Entries mode 

Entries can be performed in two ways:


You can download the EXCEL sheet. Once compiled, it has to be sent as attached to a mail to specifying the corresponding team. Within a couple of days it is possible to check the entries in the Check Entries page, see below.

  Download the entries EXCEL sheet   (formato zip, 48.7 kbytes)

If you do not have WInZip, you can download it here: download WinZip

On-line Entries

    Alternatively it is possible to use the on-line procedure which allows to introduce your entries. In this case the entries will appear immediately in the list of entries. Until the end of the entry period it will be possible to change/add your own entries.

    In order to use the on-line procudere you have to:

On-line entries with programme SPIL_link

    As an additional tool we developed the programme SPIL_link, running under Windows, allows to prepare the entries on own PC. When you have finished you can upload the entries in the SportInLinea server. WIth this method you are connected in Internet only the time strictly necessary.

     The software may be freely downloaded here: SPIL_link

Verification of Entries

    It is possible at any time to verify the entries introduced: after some days if you the EXCEL sheet or immediately with the on-line procedure or with SPIL_link.

      Entries verification



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