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il 29° trofeo Nico Sapio
e la 6° Coppa Tigullio
 Versione Italiana
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The 29th edition of the  TROFEO NICO SAPIO  organized by A.S. Genova Nuoto and open to Teams connected with Federazione Italiana Nuoto or Foreign Federations, will be held in three days:

  • saturday Nov. 16th 2002 for ESORDIENTI A (and esordienti B for the Coppa Tigullio )
  • sunday Nov. 17th 2002 category RAGAZZI and JUNIORES
  • monday Nov. 18th 2002 ASSOLUTI (cadetti+seniores) .

Regulations (only italian version)

  • SportInLinea is happy to host the Trofeo Nico Sapio and to plan entries to the meeting via the use of the on-line procedures and Excel sheet distribution and management.


    • Results will be published here at the end of each meeting day.
    • For the first two days the programme CROMA will be used



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